


Now that looks like the best place to be in the pool....
41 here today but won`t be getting into our pool until later tonight when the sun has gone down...lol
I dropped down off the mountain yesterday and was a deal hotter on the lowlands....but not the heat you have been experiencing...we do get heat here sometimes but not for long stretches as is quite a high altitude...do not try to do too much in the heat....like mow the lawn....I do hope it breaks for you all in the south...we missed out on the torrential rain and the dams have not received any run off .....flooding to the north and flooding to the south...live in the catchment for the supply of water to Toowoomba and they, the dams, do not look too good!!!am grateful for the rain have received thus far, everything is so green for a change.Kind regards, Elizabeth
YOur mountain looks beautiful..and the pool certainly looks inviting & lots of fun too!!
I love the parrot pics from the previous post.
It is humid here lately which is worse than just being hot..today wasn't too bad. I get alot of headaches when its too humid..
Hi lil harry,
I was born and lived in the far north for many years but I know I could not live with the heat and humidity now , particularly after experiencing the beautiful mountain air here....have just finished work and is sixteen degrees outside at the present...just on the verge of needing a coat....the humidity would be harder to bear for you not being acclimatised to that type of heat..the fig parrot have never seen here before and the breeze was quite blowy so could not get a really clear picture of him/her...will have to look up the bird book...the kings are at the neighbours and only see them occassionally here...experience an ear ache with the raucous lorikeets and galahs regards, elizabeth.
Hello Elizabeth,
Lovely photos. Beaut country scenery as well, love the bush.
So a new computer, wow bet you are pleased with it - are you?
Take care,
Hi Margaret,
We are all lucky us Australians living where we do....Have not received the computer as yet is being assembled in Melbourne, none available in Queensland, at least what I asked for, and delivered to my door, sometime after 17th. I will have to find out what different configuration/s or not need to be gone through to connect on this plan as this is a Gates PC and the new one is an Apple Mac....I am so looking forward to be able to see videos on the internet and follow all the interesting links..and look back through your blogs when you did tell me the graphics programmes used and what is recommended. Kind regards, Elizabeth
you must get a good view on the way to town riding on top of the truck like granny from the beverly hillbillies...LOL
Hi Nong,
Sure do partner...and take the chair in the back...which reminds me D'Aguilar Gold have had good readings of molyd....der der have had a few reds tonight and can not spell...you know the stuff they put on spaceships because it is so heat resistant.. and are going to explore...I will not get the money like ole Jed and company... here in Australia as do not get anything for what is under the topsoil....what a shame for me ah well I can always buy shares...regards Elizabeth
What an interesting red wine ranter you are :)
Evening Nong,
ooh wah does not make much sense does it? That is it.... I will not drink alcohol particularly a nice red again...even though a newly opened wine cellar down the road... regards, Elizabeth
Perhaps you can go down the wine cellar and just lick the bottles.
Evening Nong,
Am not much of a drinker at the best of times....usually get a massive headache if imbibe more than two drinks...I love a beer on a hot day after working hard..and then snooze...talking about alcohol am getting a craving and off to find the remains of the red...cupboard drinker that I am...and I said would not drink again..willpower not ha ha cheers Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth,
Well, you used the magic phrase 'no humidity'. I have never been able to convince Helen to move north because after experiencing the humidity in Sydney she believes that it would be worse up north (having spent some time on holidays in places like Cairns). I should have thought about the fact that the mountains would have a lower humidity.
Sounds promising....
Afternoon Rudy,
Home from work again doing early shifts for the rest of the week....the climate here is out on its own...the mountain air is so sweet and when driving from the coast half way up the mountain can smell the air...Racehorses raid the coast in summer and because they live in relatively thinner air and lower humidity than the coastal horses have a distinct advantage....700 plus horses in work at Toowoomba at times..
I drove through Toowoomba returning to Northern Territory where I was working at the time with the devastation of Tracy in 1974....was not in Darwin but in the escarpment country near Arnham Land and suffered severe flooding disease etc from lack of fresh food..another story.. and visited civilization to purchase a new vehicle amongst other things...my car went with the flood water of Tracy in the Territory...and was enchanted with a place where I had to wear a jumper in summer at night. I was sold...I miss the water of the north but do not think could cope with the humidity and the heat at night which is a very rare occurrance here on the eastern edge of the dividing ranges. The bio diversity of the area is another attraction....The Atherton or Evelyn Tablelands of North Queensland has a magic also around Millaa Millaa or Malanda...I took a short cut across from Ravenshoe a couple of years ago and saw the most beautiful country with a river flowing through the valleys and waterfalls throughout...from memory had a name like Beatrice river or something like...anyway just rambling now Kind regards, Elizabeth
I find with reds there is less head aches over the $13 price range
Hi Nong,
The neighbour who sells the wine down the road mentioned that as well and he said if I purchased a bottle of the quality he produces retail it would set me back around the $25-$30.00 mark whereas he is wholesaling at the cellar door for 13-15....I have to believe him as you are saying the same thing and need confirmation as he is a retired judge and those buggers are dodgy..and we all know if you sleep with dogs you get fleas ... he has rubbed shoulders with too many criminals ha ha...I do hope he does not ever find this comment or else.....I'll be in trouble...anyway did not get a headache.....I'm off to look at poetry on the "respectable" blog with Lennie and the kids not those rude pictures!!!!ha ha...been...I really like the photograph of the foam...in fact I prefer the beach in a storm...it is a strange feeling not working....well put kind regards, Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for writing all of that. I immediately printed it out and showed it to Helen but being a lover of race horses her main attention was centred on what you said about the horses coming from the mountains having a distinct advantage over coastal horses. I'm sure that next time she studies the form she will be looking for mountain trained horses ..hehehe.
What you say about the beauty of the mountains is really appealing.
Hi Rudy,
To elaborate on the thin air...why racehorses were originally trained in the early mornings is because the air is thinner and their lung capacity to take in x amount of oxygen increases... so...when a thoroughbred races in the middle of the day the oxygen in the air is thicker than the early morning but the animal takes in the same volume of air his body thinks it should have which gives it an oxygen boost as that same volume of air contains more oxygen and the effect increases when an animal is trained at altitude...a lot of trainers do not know why horses were trained so early in the morning to start with...now some think it is for timetable purposes which is the case as well ...Gold Edition is trained up here on these mountains and then travels south when she is fit...I do carry on and am such a know it all...he he cheers Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth,
That really is fascinating stuff. I always wondered why trainers got up at such an un-godly hour to train their horses. I take my hat off to you (no I don't wear one but if I did I would take it off....hehehehehe) for being able to get up so early.
That's what I love about the internet.....you can speak to people with all sorts of knowledge that you wouldn't normally have access to.
Have a wonderful day.
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