Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Fly Past

A Fly Past, originally uploaded by cnlizziebns.

Sitting on the mountain tonight shaking off the dog, heard the dingoes howling, the red stag roaring, the night birds calling and the thump and thud of the marcupials as I crashed about, forget to put new batteries in my torch didn't I?? The moon came out of the clouds briefly and took a big shot of it and put it in this photograph when it was behind the clouds...got out my broomstick and went for a fly.

The deer roar happens at the full moon every year around Easter and we get the city boys dressed in their camouflage stalking about being poachers, half the adventure for them I am sure.....I am thinking thinking as every now and then I spoil their fun and go riding in the mountains all night singing a reciting poems after all I did not call this Lissies Insomnia for nothing (oh yes I can spell my name but the keyboard has given up on the last letter of the alphabet)...

Sometimes I see in the distance a campfire and then when ride in closer can not see the darn thing...quickly doused and them hiding in the bush...Why they hide is beyond me....they are armed to the teeth with guns/bows and arrows...Can you imagine...now boys give me the guns and you can go home...yeah right....BUT when and if I find their vehicle they are in trouble he he.....although a lot of the Rambos now get dropped off and picked up at a agreed spot and time.

I am sure one of these days a stray bullet may find someone....the funniest thing I have witnessed is when one or two get lost and give up with their hands up I am exaggerating a little here...they are so embarrassed and I am stifling giggles but looking appropriately stern mounted on my horse with the stockwhip over my shoulder looking menacing but they do have the advantage with the huge guns they tote....such is life with a property not two hours from a major city....

uuuuummmm should I or should I not go and be a fly in the ointment!! decisions decisions

Have a safe Easter

Friday, March 26, 2010

Glasshouse Mountains

On Tuesday went for a drive and hike into the sunshine coast hinterland

The Pretty City

Took these above Toowoomba looking towards Gatton from the heights at Preston.

Took this in the clouds in the Border ranges...have not seen dew drops so tiny covering all the cobwebs and sparkling in the sun

Life Can Be Like That

Went walking in the border ranges a couple of weeks ago....a beautiful place...good for the soul...

I will not talk about it as the images say it all.....and am a little down and this should pick me up....Why am I down, no you did not ask but I am going to tell....

Yesterday afternoon the dogs went beserk and I peeked out the window and my friend Philip who lives down the road about 10 ks down the road....he was staggering with a hole in his head above his left eye a broken arm hanging and half his cheek hanging down his face....I steadied him and put him in my car which was about 6 metres away rushed inside and rang 000.....I received such a fright as thought the hole in his head was a bullet hole and looked like one.  I did know the neighbour down that end of the road had fired a shot over his head on one occassion.....hill people here, fueding.....playing banjos...

Emergency services were here within minutes, how lucky are we in Australia, two Ambulances, Police and my yapping dogs, and my mother collecting dirty rags to put on his head, thinking that would make him feel better!!!.  His short term memory has disappeared...I am friends with his daughter who lives in Fernvale and his wife was away on a training course....eventually tracked down his whole family to get into Toowoomba.... It was not bullet hole, what caused it is a mystery,  cerebral fluid was leaking from his ear.....He does not know what happened to him....and I do not know if his short term memory will return.....I can not speak of this to the locals as is too shocking and am just here now telling the whole world...I did ring a friend and he did not listen......I had decided way back not to put anything bad on this blog but there you go and there I go.....

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Took a friend who is a photographer back to the National Park and thought would show you a portion of the trails and me being a rock wallaby..:))
Such a flattering view only a true friend would take a pic of me at that angle.......

That is me on top of the rock wall, a beautiful spot to be and could have sat there for half a day listening and watching the water

Negotiating the trail that has disappeared somewhat.   The water here flows into the Cressbrook Dam which supplies the major inland city of Toowoomba.  This dame has been alarmingly low over the past few years and this should give it a welcome boost.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crows Nest Falls, 10th March, 2010

Went back up the falls today to record the noise...I did not do the recording sitting behind the operator as the falls seem to be calling me in with the vertigo...lol....

This water supplies one of the major inland cities of Australia and have not had the water volume for some years so this is a reason to celebrate.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pinkies Out Walkin"' Today

I have not posted for ages but am back.....have been on a reducing diet and a fitness regime.....have lost 5kilograms and am getting quite fit and have walked a lot of SE Queensland in the meantime.  I have 10 kilgrams to go.....was 14 pushing a 16 and am now a comfortable 12, need to get to a comfortable 10....my weight is quite heavy still as have a lot of muscle form 30 years of riding racehorses trackwork.

Will post those walks and adventures in the intrim but today took the pinkies for a walk after the deluge .....I am so happy when it pours....reminds me of my childhood in the "wet" in the Tropics born and living in the Gulf Country in Far North Queensland.....I really think I am regressing back to childhood as throw off the clothes and shoes at every opportunity....if I am losing it really think will be a handful for my carers!!!   I can just hear by boys "Mum Put Your Clothes On"...and do not even have the excuse of alcohol....lol

I went driving to my paddock which is in Somerset Shire, described as Upper Brisbane Valley but was not to be, Ivory Creek was too swollen upstream and needed to negotiate it a couple of times downstream where the volume would have been considerable at the top of the range but never the less...did get some ways towards my goal until.....

I waded in and when the current became too strong retreated...backed up what seemed like half a kilometre turned around and saw movement in the grass, stopped the beast and saw the cutest little eyes looking at me...This area is kilometres from any dwellings and it was a little black pup....now I do not allow dogs in my vehicle only the back of the ute and knew I could not leave this little creature out in the bush where he would surely die a slow and protracted death.  Over the years I have come across litters of pups dumped in this area...a cowardly and inhumane thing to do.  I feel if the owners felt they were not able to care for the animals , animal shelters would take them in an euthanize if need be ....but oh no too cowardly to bite the bullet and go the hard yards.....This little animal came to me after some coaxing....put him in my car and retraced my steps home as had intended trekking in a national park and anyhow he was and is too weak apart from dogs not being allowed in these parks....

This is he and he did not attempt to crawl in over the seats, just wedged his little face like so.......He is presently lying at the back door exhausted....I will advertise extensively to make sure he does not belong to anyone and somehow was lost, which I very much doubt, between two flooded creeks kilometres from any dwelling whatsoever.  If he is not claimed I feel it is to be he will be my dog.

Gave up on the excursion at the bottom of the ranges and decided I would check out the National Parks after backtracking and taking the pup home...drove out and the road was closed...went around that and arrived at a crossing where vehicles were parked on one side, waded through and knew I would be ok with the beast which is an extremely heavy powerful vehicle with a 4.8 litre motor.  Weight and power is what is needed when crossing flooded crossings and I know is a no no but would not do so if I had thought it was unsafe. ...just in case anyone thinks silly woman....lol  after this you will not only think so but know so...

This is an unopened part of a National Park and to access this negotiate the creek through a property belonging to my brother.  This would be very well utilized if opened to the public as vehicles could drive to this point giving access to the elderly frail, wheel chair bound and small children without a substantial hike....

I perched on a rock to take this and was wishing I had had a pedicure for this particular shot....oh well next time....pinkies enjoy an outing...

Now which way did I come???!!!!

You can just see pinkies pal where I left them in the middle of this pic...marking the trail...I listened carefully to Hansel and Gretel when I was a child ( really think about the fairy tales of my generations childhood...after all H & G were going to be eaten by the wicked witch,  I ask you!!!)  and know all about a trail....

Oops a bit sideways here leaning....now where is that trail again...this was a deep wade but was an anna branch and relatively calm water until I thought I felt something around my ankles....I was walking on top of the water then lol..had seen a lot of slithery tails disappearing into the rocks...

Thank goodness there they are the pinkies pinks....

This is the chute at the top of the waterfall....is hard to comprehend here but did not want to lean any more than I was as that is a very sharp sheer drop just here.....sat here for half an hour talking to the faces in the rocks....commuting with nature...you think I jest...nooooo

The roar was deafening and loved it sent the blood through my veins knowing I was truly living to be fortunate and fit enough to experience this....

No these are a scary set of steps but......

Will me and the pinks take the next step.....tested a couple of times but too strong and too deep.....tomorrow as need to get to the bottom of the main waterfall, the side rocks here were a little unstable as set in gravel and could not do my rock wallaby tricks here as the sides of the gully were quite unstable.

Time for the grey beast to take me home.....has been a good day as was feeling a little down earlier... as you do... nothing like nature to put everything into perspective

Thank you all for your comments and do appreciate them and apologies for the non explanation absence.